Golden Industrial Development
Golden Industrial Development
Company Profile
About GID Plastic

Making the Best Polymer Materials

Headquartered in Dongguan, Guangdong, our company operates from dual production bases in Saudi Arabia and Guangdong. As a high-tech enterprise, we specialize in the research and development, production, sales, and technical services of new polymer materials and their products. Our offerings include environmentally friendly materials, high-end modified materials, and high-performance materials, among others. We prioritize our social responsibility by advocating "carbon neutrality" and "peak carbon emissions" as fundamental principles. With an emphasis on scientific and technological innovation and guided by the principles of green economic development, we strive to be at the forefront of China's energy-saving and environmental protection industry.


  • Golden Industrial Development is at the forefront of polymer materials innovation, consistently developing advanced solutions to meet the dynamic needs of various industries.

  • Our commitment to superior quality is unwavering. We adhere to stringent quality control measures, ensuring our polymer materials meet and exceed industry standards.

  • With a global footprint and comprehensive customer service, we provide a seamless experience for our clients, solidifying our position as a trusted partner in the polymer materials industry.

Honor Certificates

A High-Tech Enterprise Specializing in New Polymer Materials

Golden Industrial Development, a distinguished provider of Polymer Materials, proudly holds prestigious certifications for its commitment to quality, innovation, and sustainable practices. Our strengths lie in our innovative approach, superior quality products, and commitment to sustainability. We continuously strive to develop advanced materials that meet the evolving needs of our customers. Our global reach and comprehensive service ensure a seamless experience for our clients, making us a trusted partner in the industry.

Company Certification

Factory Show

polymer materials manufacturer
polymer materials company
surlyn film manufacturers
surlyn film suppliers
eva resin suppliers
pvc compounds factory
pvc compound company
eva resin manufacturers