Golden Industrial Development
Golden Industrial Development

GID Plastic Polymer Materials

Golden Industrial Development is an enterprise focusing on the scientific research, production, sales, and service of high-performance new materials. 

The company's products, composed of polymer compounds, include elastomer materials, environmentally friendly modified recycled materials, biodegradable plastics, and golf balls, special composite films and other finished products. Our company determined to build an entire industrial chain from the raw material end to the finished product end.

Polymer Material Applications

Polymer materials are widely used in various industries such as automotive, aerospace, electronics, and medical due to their versatility and durability.

Consumer Goods

Polymer materials have revolutionized the consumer goods industry, offering a wide range of benefits. From household appliances to personal care products, polymer materials provide durability, lightweight design, and aesthetic appeal. Their versatility allows for the creation of innovative and functional products that enhance our daily lives.
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Polymer materials have made a significant impact on the sports industry, improving performance and safety. From lightweight and durable tennis rackets to impact-resistant helmets, polymer materials offer the necessary strength and flexibility required for athletic equipment. Additionally, polymer-based fabrics provide moisture-wicking properties, enhancing comfort and performance in sportswear.
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Food Preservation

Polymer materials play a crucial role in food preservation, ensuring freshness and extending shelf life. Packaging made from polymer materials provides a barrier against oxygen, moisture, and contaminants, preventing spoilage and maintaining food quality. These materials also offer convenience with their resealable and microwave-safe properties, making them ideal for food storage and on-the-go consumption.
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Cable, Wire & Electrical

Polymer materials have revolutionized the cable, wire, and electrical industry, offering improved insulation, flexibility, and durability. Polymer-based insulation materials provide excellent electrical properties, ensuring safe and efficient transmission of electricity. Additionally, their lightweight and flexible nature makes installation and maintenance easier, while their resistance to moisture and chemicals enhances their longevity.
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Building Industry

Polymer materials have transformed the building industry, offering a wide range of applications. From pipes and fittings to insulation materials and roofing membranes, polymer-based products provide durability, thermal insulation, and resistance to weathering. These materials also offer design flexibility, allowing for creative and sustainable architectural solutions. Additionally, polymer composites are used in construction, providing high strength-to-weight ratios and enabling the construction of lightweight and energy-efficient structures.
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FAQs of Polymer-based Materials

  • Q:

    Are Polymer Materials recyclable?

    Yes, polymer materials are recyclable. Polymer recycling involves collecting used polymer materials, such as plastic bottles or packaging, sorting them based on their type, and processing them to create new products. The recycling process typically involves cleaning the polymer materials, converting them into smaller pellets or flakes, and then using them to manufacture new plastic products. However, it is important to note that not  all polymer-based materials are easily recyclable and the process can vary depending on the type of polymer compound used.

  • Q:

    How are Polymer Materials made?

    Polymer materials are made through a process called polymerization, where small molecules called monomers are chemically bonded together to form long chains or networks. There are two main types of polymerization processes:

    1. Addition Polymerization: This process involves the repeated addition of monomers to form a polymer. It typically occurs through a reaction called radical polymerization, where initiators, such as heat, radiation, or chemical compounds, create free radicals that initiate the polymerization reaction. The monomers react with these radicals, leading to the growth of the polymer chain.

    2. Condensation Polymerization: In this process, monomers with two or more functional groups react with each other, eliminating small molecules such as water as byproducts. The reaction can continue until a high molecular weight polymer is formed. Examples of condensation polymers include nylon and polyester.

    Once the polymerization process is complete, the resulting polymer materials can be shaped into various forms, such as films, fibers, or molded objects, depending on their intended application. Additives, such as plasticizers, fillers, or colorants, can also be incorporated to enhance certain properties of the polymer material.

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